Dental Implant Pain – How Long After Surgery Should I Expect It?

by | Mar 12, 2018 | Dental Implants | 12 comments

While it’s well documented that dental implant surgery is a pain free procedure, many people are worried about tooth implant pain after surgery. Once the anaesthetic wears off, the question on many patient’s lips is…will it hurt and if so, for how long? A dentist that offers consultation prior to surgery can share tips and post-operative instructions to minimise the discomfort. In this post we’ll take a closer look at what you can expect after surgery and how it will affect you.

dental implant pain

Dental Implant Pain – How To Manage

The first 24 hours

During the first few hours after tooth implant surgery, you’re probably going to feel a little tired. After all, you’ve been through major oral surgery. You may also feel slight pain coming from the implant site. This is normal and usually occurs 2-4 hours after any anaesthetic has worn off. In this case your dentist will usually prescribe over-the-counter pain killers to make life more comfortable. In addition, you may also notice a little blood. This is no cause for alarm and again is perfectly normal. In fact, gauzes are put in place not only to mop up the area, but to protect it.

About 2 hours after the tooth implant process, it’s okay to eat. However try to avoid hot food or drink and stick to soft foods that are either tepid or cold. Foods like ice cream or soup are ideal and if you’re drinking, then avoid drinking through a straw. Finally avoid any strenuous movements.

One to three days

After the first 24 hours you may also start to experience slight bruising or swelling. Don’t worry as this is simply nature’s way of recovering. Try to bring out the bruising using a combination of both hot and cold compresses. This should ease the swelling considerably. Now 24 hours on you should be okay to partake in foods that are hot. That said it’s still advisable to avoid crunchy foods for a while. Instead foods like fish and pasta are ideal. In addition you should also resume gentle brushing at this stage.

Three to seven days

Around the third to fourth day after implant surgery you should see your facial swelling peak, then start to disappear totally. In fact by the sixth or seventh day most patients have little or no noticeable swelling or bruising. In addition by about the fifth day, any dental implant pain should now be easing. However this may take longer if more complex surgery was required or multiple tooth implants were placed.

This is also the period where normal activities can be resumed, however try to avoid hard physical exercise and limit any stooping and bending. With regards to foods, you may still feel like eating softer foods, but include well cooked vegetables or softer fruits such as bananas or plums into your diet. These will help to boost your immune system and aid a speedier recovery.

Post dental implant treatment – Seven to fourteen days

By now you should be over the worst and are starting to experience some really positive changes. Any initial pain, swelling, or bleeding should by now have stopped and you should be able to slowly reintroduce different foods into your diet as you see fit. You should also be able to safely undertake a little light exercise but try to avoid any heavy cardiovascular activity such as running. If you’re still experiencing excessive bleeding or throbbing pain after dental implant surgery, then it’s advisable that you contact your dentist for advice.

Fourteen days and beyond

dental implantCongratulations you made it! By now your implants should be healing well and you should be back to leading a normal, healthy life. Your dentist will want to see you again (usually 3-4 weeks after surgery) to assume that everything is going well. Then, if you have conventional implants (eg, those where the abutment and crown are fitted separately) they will want to see you again to uncover the implant in order to fit the permanent crown – usually 4-6 months after the initial surgery.

Generally speaking, tooth implant recovery time should be no more than 7-14 days so if you experience tooth implant problems or dental implant pain after this time, then it’s advisable that you contact your dentist. If you are considering tooth implants as an option, then come and talk to  Dental 266, your leading implant dentist in Burwood. With more than 55 years of combined dental experience our team can give you the best dental treatment you deserve. Schedule your consultation today!

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